Business Conditions Wineplease Customers

Thanks to an agreement between Cioncolini Srl, the creator and manufacturer of the Wineplease range, and Grenke Locazione Srl, it is possible to take possession of a Wineplease product thanks to the rental tool, choosing your preferred amortisation plan with instalments from 24 to 60 months.

  • 24 months
  • 30 months
  • 36 months
  • 48 months
  • 60 months

Istruttoria € 75,00 + VAT

Insurance 1.8% p.a. on the taxable amount net of VAT.

Minimum quota € 96,00.

Instalment fee
Advance quarterly instalment (1 January; 1 April; 1 July; 1 October)
runs from the day of delivery until the first day of the following quarter and is equal to 1/30 of the fee, multiplied by the number of days.
The first invoice runs from the date of delivery until 31 December;
subsequent invoices are annual and sent from 1 January.
Applied on the instalment.

At the end of the rental agreement, Cioncolini Srl shall repurchase the goods from Grenke Locazione and may transfer ownership to the Customer at the price indicated by the same finance company.

Subject to approval by the rental company.

It is also necessary that the applicant has been in operation for at least two years since the start of the activity.

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